Mar 8Liked by Jeanne Malmgren

Well done Jeanne. Thank you

The ongoing signs of climate change and the prevailing sense of inaction can be almost overwhelming. Jeanne's passion is to disseminate hope via the parade of wonderful people / role models who are doing all they can in the fight to save our collective home. And she's done it again.

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Mar 8Liked by Jeanne Malmgren

Susan is a treasure, I met her twice in Florida. I respect the writers who are documenting change and loss in a way that can be read without turning away in despair. (As an analytical person interested in science and data, non-fiction is my go-to read.)

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This profile of & interview with Susan Cerulean is simply wonderful. What a hero for the earth she is. I love her and her work very very much.

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Mar 8Liked by Jeanne Malmgren

This will be a bitter post because we live in such a bitter time. To love our earth and the things of our earth simply put, is heartbreaking. On a whim one day last year I spent a good bit of time looking at the southeastern coastline of Florida on Google maps. It was such a sad eye opener into the blindness of men with money. Perhaps that would be a good thing to start tracking. Let us become aware of the individuals (and the business names that they hide behind), who ruin our precious places on this earth. Let's name them. I want to see charts and statistics of all that the so-called developers have destroyed. Yes! Let's tell their stories of greed and the ruin they spread like a contagious disease across the precious places that once existed. This may be our only hope to opening the eyes of humans to how quickly such places are gone forever.

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Mar 9Liked by Jeanne Malmgren

I see a thread through children of the earth. Children who are given space to be in wild places grow up to be adults who champion them. Thank you for introducing me to this champion! I can't wait to read her books and get acquainted with her.

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Mar 9Liked by Jeanne Malmgren

Another person I would love to shadow and absorb information from for a day or a year. Thanks for making me aware of another such special person. It does give me hope. And I think we also need some outrage, such as by tracking and exposing those who destroy as Sandy suggsted.

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