Jun 20Liked by Jeanne Malmgren

I met Robin twenty or so years ago in upstate New York training with Matthew Wood and Kate Gilday. There was something special about her…she had access to a realm of life and Spirit that few others had. I remember telling her that year or maybe the next, as we had many years of summer training, that she was the next great Southern Herbalist…she looked at me shocked, as her humbleness could not even conceive such a thing…I believe that my prediction was correct.

This was a brilliant and beautiful interview and a glimpse into the heart of Robin McGee. I am so proud and blessed to call her my friend . Robin, Tommy Bass is looking down with a big smile and telling you “thank you for carrying on my simple work of just trying to give people some ease.”❤️❤️❤️

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Wow, Butch, that's a beautiful tribute to Robin. Thank you so much for sharing this. And welcome to Rx Nature!

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This is such a beautiful interview. It reminded me of the Memoir Zoom you gave last night. Robin could really have a great book...She is one of the first people I met, through a mutual friend in Greenville and I had the pleasure of being in her company several times. Thank you for bringing her back into awareness today.

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Lucky you, Shellie! I've not met Robin in person (yet). Hopefully I'll be in one of her classes someday. Glad you enjoyed the interview. She speaks so beautifully of the natural world, doesn't she?

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Im sure you will meet now. Yes, it is her poetic description that made me hope she will write about her life one day.

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Jun 22Liked by Jeanne Malmgren

Robin McGee is a truly remarkable person. Thank you so much for writing about her. Reading about her and her life and how she lives her life is both heartwarming as well as a beacon in this time. It would be wonderful to spend time with her.

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Thank you, Jenny! I'm glad you enjoyed this peek into Robin's magical world.

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Jun 20Liked by Jeanne Malmgren

Robin is one of a kind and this interview gives you a glimpse of her world!

When visiting the farm, you feel the magic! Her knowledge, teaching and gift of story telling will draw you in! I absolutely love to spend time with her, wish we lived closer together. She’s my longest and best friend, since middle school. My beautiful, passionate, nature loving, cat wrangling, best friend! 💜

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Aw, Teresa, welcome to the Rx Nature community and thank you so much for telling us about your best friend. I love hearing more about Robin! I haven't (yet) had the pleasure of meeting her in person. I need to!

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Robin is a very special human ❤️ I love the threads that show up through your Champions of Nature people. Kindred spirits.

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Thank you, Tricia! Kindred Spirits Central, here. 💚

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Jun 20Liked by Jeanne Malmgren

Thank you, Jeanne and Robin, for such a well-done interview. Robin, I am so touched by not only your words but also by your memory of your experiences that brought you into natures kingdom. You have spent your life in that world and yet still are mindful of how it revealed itself to you. I truly appreciate how you have shared this with us. A treasured memory of first finding oneself at one with nature.

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Beautiful, Sandy -- thank you for sharing these thoughts!

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