Long live the wild beauties. Including the one named Jeanne.

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Aw, thank you, Janisse!

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Jun 11Liked by Jeanne Malmgren

We need a bumper sticker to warn those tail gaters what we’re doing. 🤣

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11Liked by Jeanne Malmgren

That was going to be my exact comment. Somewhere out there I’ve probably seen the bumper sticker “I brake for nature”. I need that bumper sticker.

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Yeah, I want that bumper sticker. Seriously!

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Jun 11Liked by Jeanne Malmgren

What engaging writing regarding what is going on along the road! The turtle is adorable in a turtle-ish way, and looking somewhat surprised. I have stopped, too, on roads to pluck turtles from the road and carry them to safety. Not long ago, driving in dry central Oregon, I saw an antelope fawn with its mother in the sage and native grass pasture alongside the road. Antelope fawns are exquisite; tiny replicas of adult antelopes, about the size of a jackrabbit with legs like twigs, and they can run at astonishing speeds.

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An antelope fawn! How amazing, Jenny. I've never seen one. What a gift for you to spy one. That's one of those great moments .....

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Jun 12Liked by Jeanne Malmgren

It is one of the great moments! I hope you have the chance to see antelope someday.

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Jun 11Liked by Jeanne Malmgren

Pronghorn are amazing and beautiful animals. I saw my first one in the sixties on the southwestern Wyoming sage prairie. Decades later I always keep my eyes open for them - Utah, Wyoming, Montana; there’s more out there than one thinks, once you know where and what to look for.

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Sooo cool!

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Jun 12Liked by Jeanne Malmgren

They are amazing animals! Very prehistoric, too, even in their present form. I grew up with them all around and they never cease to be a source of amazement. They are a totem in the lands they inhabit.

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I love the ditch Lillies too! And I rescued two turtles this week. One I thought for sure would get hit before I could get to him but luckily he was just enough in the middle to be between the wheels of the trucks that didn't even slow down.

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Jun 25Liked by Jeanne Malmgren

I’ve always called those ‘ditch Lillie’s’ too. The only place I’ve ever seen them outside of a ditch was in my grandma’s yard. I had figured she dug some up at one point and transplanted.

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YAY, Karen! It's especially great to save one when it's about to be crushed by an idiot/psychopath.

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Jun 13Liked by Jeanne Malmgren

My husband just made some elderberry flower juice. Have you ever tried it? Yummy. Great this time of year when they are all abloom. And a common drink in Germany this time of year, even in restaurants.

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I've heard it's very healthful, Eunice ... and I wonder what it tastes like.

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Jun 13Liked by Jeanne Malmgren

Yummy. But it’s the sugar that makes it yummy. o probably not healthy

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Jun 11Liked by Jeanne Malmgren

I had a pet box turtle for just a month or so when I was 5: "Boxie." Dad brought it back to the nearby woods/wilds one day, where it belonged. We lived near Buffalo, NY: Depew, at that time, before moving on to Long Island. Sorry for this irrelevant info. Anyway, Jeanne, thank you for sharing your mountains, hills, nature surroundings (plants, flowers, trees and animals) with us... in your journal writings and photography.

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Boxie is the perfect name for a pet turtle, Heidi. Good that your wise dad returned it to the wild. And .. thank you for being here!

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Jun 11Liked by Jeanne Malmgren

Braking and braking! Thanks for the pics!

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Brake away, Mary!

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Jun 11Liked by Jeanne Malmgren

Nature does gives us so many eye opening gifts

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True that, Reggie!

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I love this! Against all odds, you find beauty in the everyday ❤️

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Thank you, Paul! I think you do the same. 😊

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Love this essay, Jeanne. I saw a swallowtail kite this morning and felt pretty lucky! I have a running list on the notes section of my phone where I record the “wild spectacle” of the day (thank you Janisse for that term) . There’s always at least one 💚

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Such a great practice, Katie, to record each day's wild spectacle. I love that!

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They are blooming at the back gate to my development...yellow and orange...and I couldn't stop to take a photo, so I know how you felt...Nature is always giving gifts.

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Yes ... the constant gifts of Nature!

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Jun 10Liked by Jeanne Malmgren

Lovely moments. My cousin kept remarking how beautiful and peaceful the area was.

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Your cousin is observant -- and wise.

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Rx Nature is right; thank you, Jeanne for the photos and the words. I was feeling tired most of today. It is evening now and I hope to wake up refreshed tomorrow.

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Thanks for being here, Perry! I wish you sweet rest tonight and a fresh awakening in the morning.

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Thank you so much and I wish the same to you.

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I love those turtles. They have their own little personalities.

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Just like you!

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